Monday, October 25, 2010

Photoshopping week 7

                           I manipulated these two photos to make it look like he was with the chalk.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

So Today, I had a wonderful experience taking pictures next to my home at Overlook Park. This was early afternoon.
This picture I took at 5:30 pm.

This picture I took at 7pm. 

Photos I took today

These Two resemble my two cats, I love them so I wanted to share them.
I am proud to have seen my favorite team win two world series in my lifetime.
Halloween is just around the corner... We bought a six foot tree, and I think it looks better all lit up.
I have been a NY Giants fan since I was three.....
Just something I thought was interesting....
This is a plaque my daughter brought homw from Athens last year, when she went with band.... She plays the flute.

I took a bunch of pictures from my neighbors garden, all of these plants and objects seemed unique in some form or fashion.  The most interesting to me was the berry tree, so I took a few of those.